Scheduled Fun Time by stand-up comic Grant Lyon is a very good comedy download. Lyon is immediately likeable, audience friendly, and, clean. Lyon is not a groundbreaker in terms of topics but he knows how to make his ideas funny and unlike similar material.

Grant Lyon opens with a little information about himself before seguieing into why soccer is not popular. His idea that football is only more popular because of the scoring system is funny. It is also quite valid.

I enjoyed his bit about his mother believing in every rapture on the calendar and her wanting him to have faith. Oddly enough, I think have heard it before somewhere else. Probably caught it on YouTube or something. Pretty much anyone can relate his take on getting requests for donations from the college you still owe money to. His suggestions to make those requests more successful are very funny.

A top routine on Grant Lyon Scheduled Fun Time is the story about his mother buying him eyeglasses for his birthday. He nails all the absurd fall outs of that.

There is also a caveat about renting your apartment on Airbnb: check for stray underwear. Though seguieing is not Lyons strong point, this bit flows nicely into the dangers of Uber.

I wish the story about messing with his girlfriend’s belief in ghosts had been fleshed out. It is good as is but it has more possibilities.

Perhaps the only weak bit on Grant Lyon’s comedy download is his gay marriage material. The punch line is decent but that’s about it.

Grant Lyon Scheduled Fun Time closes with solid, seven-minute bit on being a firework addict and going to court. It is a solid closer.

My one really negative take on this comedy download is how often Lyon repeats the screaming part of the kid on the airplane. It is really annoying and takes a lot away from the material. I am also pretty sure he does that in another routine too.

Grant Lyon Scheduled Fun Time is on the 800 Pound Gorilla Records label

Scheduled Fun Time
Grant Lyon
Stand up comedy download
800 Pound Records 2020

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