Rachel Mac is a middle school teacher and part-time comic. Her first stand-up comedy album Teacher of the Year shows she has the chops of a full-time comic even if the sequencing of her material and her crowd work needs some fine tuning. Caveat emptor for those who care, this is quite explicit comedy.
The first third of Rachel Mac Teacher of the Year is about Mac’s experiences as a teacher and stories about her students. Though it is very funny and original, you might be surprised at how adult some of this material is. This is followed by some crowd work that does not quite work because the crowd sucks, in part because you do not understand what the crowd member says, and in part because since you did not understand the audience member, you have no idea why Rachel Mac’s response is so raunchy.
Mac also covers her sex life, pregnancy, motherhood, and why it should be required for a woman to orgasm to become pregnant.
Rachel Mac certainly has the oddest 9/11 story ever. It is funny as hell but will probably make a few people uncomfortable.
Even if it fits in with the rest of the very adult material in the last two thirds of Teacher of the Year, this stand-up comic’s bit on Trump was a bit of a low.
Mac closes strong with an interesting question to the audience.
Under exploited material are stories about her growing up heavily christian and her being in a punk pop christian band. I really think much, much more could and should have been done with those premises. That’s just me being a Monday morning quarterback.
Rachel Mac Teacher of the Year is a solid stand-up comedy download. I would certainly go see Rachel Mac live with the hope that more than a small portion of the audience goes along for the ride.
Teacher of the Year
Rachel Mac
Stand-up comedy download
ASpecialThingRecords 2023
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