Andrew Ivimey – Murder Bird
Murder Bird is one hell of an original title for a stand-up comedy album so it follows Canadian Andrew Ivimey is an original comic. The Continue Reading
Murder Bird is one hell of an original title for a stand-up comedy album so it follows Canadian Andrew Ivimey is an original comic. The Continue Reading
Stand Up Goalie by Canadian comic Kelly Taylor is an excellent stand-up comedy download album. Taylor is a mostly biographical comic. The heart of this album is parenting and growing Continue Reading
Born on 9/11 is an interesting stand-up comedy download by Canadian comic Salma Hindy. If you are looking for stand-up with uncommon topics like Halaloween and a different point of Continue Reading
Canadian stand-up comic Clare Belford is an odd one. This makes her comedy album The Entire Cabbage a fun and original experience that bears repeated listenings. It is hard to Continue Reading
Airports, Animals by comic Sean Devlin is a superb stand-up comedy download. Devlin has a conversational delivery style that gives time to his audience to appreciate how smart and tight Continue Reading
Tigre King by Canadian comic Hisham Kelati is a highly enjoyable and original stand-up comedy download. Kelati is an immediately likeable stand-up and his material though sometimes standard fare is Continue Reading