Andrew Ivimey – Murder Bird
Murder Bird is one hell of an original title for a stand-up comedy album so it follows Canadian Andrew Ivimey is an original comic. The Continue Reading
Murder Bird is one hell of an original title for a stand-up comedy album so it follows Canadian Andrew Ivimey is an original comic. The Continue Reading
It’s not because Hunter Collins Goes to Hell shares an album title with Alice Cooper that I think this stand-up comedy album is excellent. What stands out in this Comedy Continue Reading
Born on 9/11 is an interesting stand-up comedy download by Canadian comic Salma Hindy. If you are looking for stand-up with uncommon topics like Halaloween and a different point of Continue Reading
Airports, Animals by comic Sean Devlin is a superb stand-up comedy download. Devlin has a conversational delivery style that gives time to his audience to appreciate how smart and tight Continue Reading
Tigre King by Canadian comic Hisham Kelati is a highly enjoyable and original stand-up comedy download. Kelati is an immediately likeable stand-up and his material though sometimes standard fare is Continue Reading
Butterflies by Canadian comic Todd Van Allen is a very entertaining stand-up comedy download with staying power. You immediately like Todd Van Allen and his delivery makes for an easy-going Continue Reading