Creature Comforts Merry Christmas Everybody
The great British public
Directed by Richard Goleszowski and Nick Park
Aardman Studios
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2006
24 minutes

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me …. Creature Comforts Merry Christmas Everybody. Has anyone ever been able to remember the lyrics of The Twelve Days of Christmas? Personally, I have never been able to remember what goes where; that is to say what elements are related to what numbers. Confusion! Confusion! But no more! Although Aardman’s Creature Comforts just seem to confuse me even more as to this song, I have finally been able to put the frogs a leaping and the swans a swimming where they belong, as well as the other numbers and figures. This thanks to the Creature Comforts Christmas DVD Merry Christmas Everybody.

More importantly, Creature Comforts Merry Christmas Everybody makes me feel like I’m not the only one who has mixed feelings about Christmas. For example, Christmas carries a lot of nostalgia and pain for the Spuds McKenzie, and the Christmas songs just seem to bring it home a little more. Now, who does not relate to this at some point or other in their life? To others, like the fox, Christmas is just a long holiday during which time daily preoccupations change for different things like meeting the family, how long the stay with the family will be, how much weight will be put on and need to be worked off afterwards. Then there is the symbolic level of The Twelve Days of Christmas like the three wise hens, unh the three wise men, the origins of the Xmas tree.

Nonetheless, what really hits the Christmas spot with the Creature Comforts Merry Christmas Everybody, however, is, of course, the brilliant humour, the abrasive witty remarks so typical of Aardman and his furry little friends. Through these characters Aardman presents us with different effects that Christmas bears on people. I give five gooooold rings to Aardmann and his Creature Comforts.

There is nothing better than this DVD to wish Merry Christmas Everybody


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