Drunk History Season 4
11 Episodes 2 DVD
Comedy Central 2017
Drunk History is a TV show where a drunk supposed celebrity tells the story of an important historical moment or person. This reality show is, believe it or not, quite educational and a lot of fun. Fun because the presentation of each historical moment is on the goofy side but also because you can play “spot the real celebrity” since a lot of name actors like Kevin Pollack show up in small roles. Drunk History Season 4 features 6 shows on 2 DVD and the best possible extra for a show like this, Lin-Manuel Maranda (of Hamilton fame) telling the Hamilton story.
Oddly enough, the second best episode in season four of Drunk History is also a DVD Extra, the Election Special episode wich tells the stories of Adam vs Jefferson, Lincoln as a lawyer, and how Edith Wilson, President Wilson’s wife pretty much ran the country for a while.
Not that the other shows are not good. Drunk History DVD 1 has episodes about great escapes like Timothy Leary and Alcatraz or Charles Loughin the Titanic baker who survived by being drunk; legends like Ella Fizgerald and Marylin Monroe, and Buster Keaon, and en episode on scoundrel including the inventor of the Ponzi scheme.
Drunk History DVD 2 has episodes about siblings like the Wright brothers and their sister or the first woman sheriff, landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge, one with features about the artichoke wars and Julia Child, and one on shit such as the disco record burning party.
Drunk History is an odd comedy duck but it is more than worth a look. Other Drunk History reviews