Many comedy fans who dumped their vinyl collection are regretting it. A lot of stand-up comedy has not made the vinyl to CD transition. In the case of Bob Newhart only recently have all his albums been made available on CD. A good one is 1965’s The Windmills Are Weakening which is also available as an mp3 The Windmills Are Weakening
Issued in 1965, This Bob Newhart record features 2 classics, King Kong and Returning a Gift, and 5 other pretty good routines.
The Windmills Are Weakening opens with a short one punchline routine, Edison’s Most Famous Invention. This is followed by the classic King Kong. This original version is better than other video versions Newhart did later. Another short bit is The Upset Stomach Commercial, a very minor bit.
The classic Returning a Gift, in this case a toupee, follows that. It is usually available on compilation CDs and on the 2 CD Something Like This. Quite good is Superman at the Drycleaner where the drycleaner loses the Man of Steel’s suit.
Buying a House is another Bob Newhart stand-up comedy bit that is not often heard. If you ever went though the home buying process you will appreciate this bit.
The longest routine on The Windmills Are Weakening is Ben Franklin in Analysis which is also available on Something Like This. This bit is like the title says. It is interesting comics back then could assume the audience had a background in U.S. history, something stand-up comedians cannot as readily do nowadays.
If you know someone into stand-up comedy, Bob Newhart The Windmills Are Weakening is a CD they most probably do not have.
The Windmills Are Weakening
Bob Newhart
Stand-up Comedy CD
Released 1965
Collector’s Choice 2009
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