Chad Daniels You’re The Best … damn right! This is a superb, brilliant, smart, very funny, original stand-up comedy MP3 album.
It has been a long while since I have been that consistently impressed listening to a comedy album. In fact, if you do not enjoy Chad Daniels You’re The Best email us at contest @ this website and I’ll send you something to make up for it.
You”re the best opens with the only original and innovative airport and flying bits in the last ten or so years. It is followed by a routine about Daniels’ grandmother that introduces the first of a few WWII Chermans references. Nothing offensive mind you, just funny, and in the case of the attic reference, clever and funny.
The first Chermans introduces a great bit on how comedy club audiences react to jokes. The next few bits have to do with Daniels’ homelife with his wife and kids interspersed with a couple of minute-long routines.
There is a gradual increase in the –relatively speaking– edginess of this set. This can also be said about the language (for those who care). It culminates with Kids vs Aids.
Chad Daniels You’re The Best then goes into a series about the comic’s kids. Even those without children will appreciate the originality.
The show closes with He’s Beige, a reference to Obama and the South. Though funny, it does not fit the rest of the show. This is not really a problem but it is noticeable.
Chad Daniels is going to be on our annual top 10 list and I doubt anyone will dislodge him from the number 1 spot.
You’re The Best
Chad Daniels
Stand-up comedy MP3 Album
Stand Up! Records 2012
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