If you enjoy relationship comedy albums, you are well served with @trentoncomedy by Trenton Davis. Davis hits all the style’s targets with stories about his wife and child and the difficulties of being in a couple.

Trenton Davis’ material is above the usual fare. That in itself is refreshing. This does not mean he does not get tripped up by a couple of the usual tropes such as “happy to be here, means I am not at home with the wife and kids”.

Davis makes interesting points such as who decides when there will be break-up or being answered with questions to get in even more trouble.

Things get real in Racist White Women where the stand-up comic takes on racism in America head on but not aggressively.

I was rather less impressed with the material on Caitlin Jenner as there is nothing special there but Davis is smart enough to segue into how women are treated.

I particularly liked the bit where Trenton Davis promises his child black Band-Aids but cannot find any anywhere. It is a very subtle take on something in America

Trenton Davis
Stand up comedy CD and download
Uproar! 2021

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