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Be Kind Rewind
Jack Black, Mos Def, Mia Farrow, Danny Glover
Michael Gondry supposedly directed
Alliance Atlantis 2008
92 Unbearable, Painful, Atrocious Centuries and 10 good minutes.
Be Intelligent Don't Rent Be Kind Rewind. Stare at a blank DVD for 92 minutes and then watch the last ten minutes, you'll be better off. If this atrocity had been made by a couple of undergraduate film students as their first year project they would have received an F minus and owed the professor three more grades.
Mos Def (Hitchhiker's Guide) works for the last video store on planet earth to carry VHS tapes. His boss leaves him in charge. His friend, Jack Black (Your Fifteen Minutes Are Up, Buddy), somehow gets magnetized and erases all the tapes in the store. When the store's best customer asks for a certain title Def and Black recreate it using a video camera.
It is a shame Be Kind Rewind doesn't come on VHS because the best thing that could happen to this movie is what happens to all the tapes in the movie. Perhaps those unlucky to own a copy of this DVD will be able to donate it to the local skeet shooting club but even that would be a waste of ammunition.
The movies Def and Black recreate include Ghostbusters, Robocop, 2001 A Space Odyssey, and, God almighty why would anybody want to do that: Rush Hour 2 This makes them local celebrities and saves the store though not the movie from going under.
Be Kind Rewind has an interesting premise that movie aficionados might want to see as a salute to some recent classics or some other profound bull….. Unfortunately, the remakes are beyond lame and so far removed from interesting or funny the monolith in 2001 got more laughs. Five year-olds playing with Lego characters would make funnier recreations.
The last ten minutes of Be Kind Rewind, about movie magic and how it recreates us are excellent but by then it is much too late and the journey to get there not worthwhile.