TV Sheriff And The Trailbuddies
Not 4 Sale
42 Clips
Other Cinema 2007
Facets Multi Media 2007
92 minutes

TV Sheriff and the Trailbuddies Not 4 Sale has to be the weirdest DVD I have ever seen. I have no idea whatsoever what is going on, what the concept is, or even what planet this weird series of short video clips comes from. All I know is there is a guy dressed up like the Lone Ranger, a pink gorilla, and a prospector wearing red long johns and they show up from time to time. Most of the clips on this TV Sheriff DVD are a minute or so long and definitely strange.

Watching this TV Sheriff and the Trailbuddies DVD gave me a pretty good idea what channel surfing while on an acid trip must be like. The concept is, I think, a VJ remixing various clips from TV broadcasts into some kind of short early MTV style video with a soundtrack to go with it. For example, you hear “Can’t Touch This”  over clips from commercials for Swiffer, Swoops, and some kind of Lysol product commercial where kids are passing a germ infested ball around.

One of the strangest and most effective remixes has clips from the Jerry Springer show mixed with Jerry Lewis doing his Hey Lady bit. It’s very difficult to explain what it is but it is bizarre, funny, and captivating in a smash-up on the other side of the road kind of way. This is followed by a commercial for a Spam-like product and then a 2 minute remix of clips featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pacino saying the F word.

I am still unsure what the purpose of TV Sheriff and the Trailbuddies is and I still have no clue if I like this stuff or not. I know it’s not a DVD you can sit through all 90 some minutes of but at the same time it is eerily fascinating; the kind of thing you could easily picture being presented as part of some modern art exhibit.

TV Sheriff and the Trailbuddies has to win some kind of award for the weirdest but effective thing ever put out on DVD.


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