I hate to pigeonhole a comic or a comedy download but Tony B Day Drinker is a stand-up comedy album squarely aimed at the thirty something crowd. Any other stand-up fan will enjoy this thoroughly solid performance. However, the material really hits home if you are of a certain age.

Day Drinker opens with a story about Tony B’s divorced buddies wanting to go clubbing and his take on what that would be like. If you know a divorced guy play him this track.

At thirty something, the stand-up comic is already too old for anything past 8:30. Considering how he is treated by women his age when he is out, I’d stay home too.

A highlight of Day Drinker by Tony B is Mildred where the comedian gets it from both millenials and guys in their sixties. He just can’t win.

Day Drinker closes with a realistic take on who the comic really is. It’s a little depressing but it is funny. The closer is an excellent tie in to the opening bit.

This Uproar! Release is lots of fun to listen to.

Day Drinker
Tony B
Stand-up comedy download MP3
Uproar! 2020

Other Uproar! titles reviewed here: Paul Conyers – Above the Fray    Adam Hunter – Still Broke

Kristin Key – I’m a Hooker

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