Wendy Maybury’s She’s Not From Around Here is a joy to listen to. Stand-up comedy is supposed to make you laugh but Maybury has an energy and persona that makes this Mp3 download a happy listening experience in addition to the prerequisite laugh.
The highlight for me on Wendy Maybury’s comedy album is Baptists where the unitiated get the inside scoop on Southern Baptists. Did you know God answers your prayers and communicates through your aunts? Imangine what happens when I tell you Maybury has some strange aunts. This track is worth downloading on its own if you want a taste of this Mp3 download album Baptists [Explicit]
Other members of Maybury’s family do not get off easy either on She’s Not From Around Here. That includes her German grandma. Her being accused of being an alcoholic causes a trip to Disneyland and results in a warranted holocaust reference. Yes, it is funny.
Anybody who has worked a dead-end, mind-numbing job, all of us, will relate to Maybury’s bit on working at the Portrait Studio. I wish the bit had been longer and the comic had told more stories about that job but maybe on her next album.
Maybury is not a … petite person. This makes for a few bits about weight issues. I am not really a fan of those but Horizontal limit, a story about trying to fit into a wetsuit is piss yourself funny.
Penis Mullet is a track you will want to downlooad so future parents can listen to it. Think of it as a gift that will keep on giving.
If you think society has become paranoidly PC you will find your view reinforced with Force Choke where Maybury uses her Darth Vader powers to control her son in a supermarket.
There is not a single bad bit on She’s Not From Around Here, an MP3 album by Wendy Maybury.
She’s Not From Around Here
Wendy Maybury
Stand-up comedy MP3 download
Stand Up! Records 2020
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