Tim Slagle is a deep-voiced observational stand-up comic whose social commentary is dead on and very original. Europa, his stand-up comedy CD on the Stand Up! Records label is a very funny take on modern society and its many hypocrisies and foibles.
There is not a single bad track on Europa so finding a favorite is basically impossible. For personal reasons I particularly enjoyed his bit on vegetarians, how they treat their cats, and how they expect a special treatment as your supper guest they are unwilling to extend to you.
Being the kind of stand-up comic Tim Slagle is he is of course irritated by political correctness. What makes his mild anger stand out is his examination of the language we use in our every day lives. This is witty, smart stuff that will please fans of intelligent comedy. Also very funny is his take on cartoon political correctness from Disney’s Mr. Magoo to the Cartoon Network not showing Speedy Gonzales but showing Pepe Le Pew. While most comics would have found the easy joke, Slagle goes a little deeper.
Europa also features some pretty good drug material that segues neatly to a take on cops, a bit on the concept of gateway drugs, and an excellent routine on junk science that is, once again, intelligent and perceptive.
The title of this stand-up comedy CD comes from the penultimate track where Slagle goes after Europe for sucking on the American titty. I am not quite sure it was the best choice for this release as Slagle is more a well-read, intelligent comic focusing on the United States. Slagle closes with a routine on Halloween where he suggests teaching your kids the theory of taxation when they come home from their candy begging evening.
Tim Slagle says, “If you’re going to take anything from this show it’s just to lighten up please. We have to find what’s funny again.” It is mission accomplished for this comic on this stand-up comedy CD.
Tim Slagle
Stand-up Comedy CD
Stand Up! Records
56 minutes
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