Season 3
3 DVD 22 Episodes
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2012

As situation comedies go Community is a loose cannon. This sitcom about six very weird people in a community college study group  is always a bit over the top.  This season features John Goodman in a few episodes, always a good thing, a new job for former Dean Chang, and the usual mayhem. This sitcom DVD set is worth it if only for the old school Nintendo meets Sierra King’s Quest style episode on DVD 3

The reason you keep watching Community is because it is over the top. This sitcom also features some particularly funny and clever scenes such as the 2001 Space Odyssey scene and the Doctor Who reference in the first episode of season 3. Also, most episodes are very original and different so the show has yet to get into a rut.

Notable in Community The Complete Third Season are on DVD 1 the Chaos Theory episode and the very weird and original Halloween show. On DVD 2 standouts are the the Glee-style Christmas show and the episode where the gang become celebrity impersonators. Wait ’til you see the Geena Davis (Shirley’s Oprah is pretty good, so is the Walter Matthau).

The great paintball fight at the end of season one is echoed in the Ken Burns Civil War style pillow fight episode.

The season finale is set up early with Course Listing Unavailable (DVD 3 of this sitcom set) where the Glendale 7 are expelled for causing a riot. It comes to a head in the penultimate show, The First Chang Dynasty. The last episode itself is rather banal.

Community – The Complete First Season:

Community – The Complete Second Season:


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