Becky Donohue (Comedy Central Premium Blend) is a very good, original, funny, young stand-up comedienne with a bite. Her first independent release stand-up comedy CD Partly Yelling With A Chance Of Breakdown proves it and is on the whole quite enjoyable. I might have been totally impressed if I did not have some reservations about the recording itself.
Donohue is a New Yawk comic and she has the expected attitude and biting humor. What I both like and somewhat dislike about this independent release stand-up comedy CD is she does short two or three minute bits of various topics. I like this because this allows for a large variety of jokes and you never feel the comic is milking the subject matter. In the damned if you do damned if you don’t category is the fact I often felt there was more to a particular routine and I really wanted to hear the rest of it or more could have been made of it. A good example is the somewhat mistitled track Jew Lover.
Partly Yelling With A Chance Of Breakdown is autobiographical and observational comedy by a comedienne who has the pre-requisite weird relatives but who are weird in an original way though her mother and Elvira Kurt’s mother would certainly get along and sound alike. When not biographical, her observations are on the usual comedy fodder but they are original.
A couple of tracks that did not quite do it for me on this CD were My Humps, on the Black Eyed Peas song, and Gin N Juice, also based on a popular tune.
My main quibble with this independent release comedy CD is the fade in and fade out used for the tracks. Comics know you should not step on the joke and the fade outs certainly give that feeling. I understand this is not an entire set as it was recorded a given night flaws and all kind of release some comics like to put out but there are ways to splice tracks together better than this.
Becky Donohue is a very good young comic that will most certainly end up with her own HBO special and maybe a role in a sitcom (I figure the crazy single girl neighbor). Partly Yelling With A Chance Of Breakdown is solid but with some reservations, especially because of the fades and because the CD ends with a couple of tracks that do not really work and this leaves the listener on a downer.
Partly Yelling With A Chance Of Breakdown
Becky Donohue
Independent Release Comedy CD
33 minutes
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