Independent Release

Somebody should get Ralph Tetta to record and market an official release comedy CD: O.G. Original Gagster, the CD Tetta sells after his shows or to people who email him is excellent, well-recorded, contains many a funny joke, and is way way too short. (Someone should also get him a cd labeling kit so he can put a label on his bland looks-like-a-coaster O.G. Original Gagster CD.) Ralph Tetta guy was house MC at a New York area comedy club (the Comix Cafe) for a few years and it shows in how he approaches a joke. You think you know where Ralph Tetta is going with the joke but the punch line comes out of left field. You think you know where he is going but he gives you the slip and the punch line.

The material on O.G. Original Gagster is for a mature audience in the sense Ralph Tetta does not work clean. However, unlike many a stand-up comic (and even George Carlin of late) he doesn’t use dirty words to get a laugh; he just does. Must be the comedy club atmosphere. What is really interesting about this comedy CD is how original it is. Yes, you get relationship jokes but they are different from the standard time-tested relationship joke. You get jokes about people in the Midwest that are very different also. His too short (only one joke really but it deserves to be expanded) material on the vast distances in the Midwest and the consequences on Halloween booty is very funny.

That is probably what annoys me about this independent comedy CD. There are so many good threads to solid funny routines that Tetta just tosses away as a one or two funny joke set up before moving on to another one, two funny joke bit. I like longer funny skits, the storyteller kind of stand-up comedian (years of Bill Cosby and early George Carlin will do that to you) and this is a case of coulda and shoulda. Well, maybe if enough people write Ralph Tetta and get a copy of O.G. Original Gagster it will convince him to use the rich material he has hidden somewhere.


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