Chris Maddock Point of Entry is an excellent stand-up comedy CD. Don’t ask me why though.
I’ve listened to this Stand Up! Records release a few times and still can’t figure out what makes Maddock tick. Perhaps Point of Entry is a misnomer suggesting there is no such thing with this comic and it is the overall effect that works. MP3 album at Amazon
Maddock is a mostly non agressive adult topic and adult language comic with a talent for tossing off the most surprising tag as if nothing happened. One such is early on in Point of Entry and the circumcision bit “Oh, a perfect gift from God. But he forgot to cut the tag off….”
Variety is another of Chris Maddock’s forte. I did sometimes wish he had gone for a longer routine, especially for the bit about his sister who had a sex change or the felony ice sculpture destruction story he does not tell.
One routine where the comic really explores the premise is Rot In Heaven. Christian rock takes a hilarious beating in this one. This is the track you will want everybody to listen to.
Other bits include one about a retarded cat, Clapton, sex ed, and xtasy. Maddock’s marital advice is also good stuff (and useful).
Far, far, far less impressive is the closing bit. Maddock is atypically over the top and loud and this just jars the listener.
Point of Entry
Chris Maddock
Stand-up Comedy CD
Stand Up! Records 2012
Our Stand Up! Records Page
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