Church People – The Lutherans of Lake Wobegon is a themed collection of various skits from Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion show from the mid nineties to 2008.

There are 17 tracks on 2 CD and certainly something for everybody. The CD cover may say Church People but it does not mean this Keillor CD is for dour, conservative folks although Lutherans will really, really enjoy this collection.

If you do not have a soccer mom van with the DVD players in the back, Lake Wobegon CD sets usually make for great family listening on road trips. This one is the exception. The kids are really not going to get a lot of the jokes here.

There are four  News From Lake Wobegon segments here. The first on CD 1 is about people hit by lightning, the second about the pictures chosen for the church directory.

The first News From Lake Wobegon segment on CD 2 of Church People with Garrison Keillor has amongst other things the pastor and his wife taking a vacation that is not quite restful. The disc closes with the story of Tibby Margolin, the Jewish organist at Lake Wobegeon Lutheran.

The Lutheran Tours bit (CD 1) is really, really funny with its premise Lutherans want a vacation they will not enjoy much. The Guy Noir skit on CD 2 is a very mild version of the consequences of being on Girls Gone Wild. The St. Patrick s Day bit is also really good as it compares the Irish with the Scandinavian.

There are a few musical skits here. Quite good is Elim Lutheran Anniversary, a variation on a Keillor skit based on a letter from a church member telling the story of the various choir directors the church has had over the last hundred years. It is not as good as the original version, Second Methodist Church (on Prairie Home Comedy) but it is fun.

Church  People – The Lutherans of Lake Wobegon CD 1:I’m a Lutheran, Lutheran Tours: Vacation Guilt, Potato Salad, Elim Lutheran Anniversary with Philip Brunelle, Iniquity on the Tundra with Charles Keating, St. Patrick’s Day, LYLE: Lutheran Youth League for Evangelism, The Story of Bob with Vern Sutton, Church Directory
CD 2: Guy Noir: New Year’s Eve Indiscretion, LOL: Lutherans On Line, Lutheran Polka, Summer Vacation, Flood: Floating Away with Your Pastor, Evelyn Lundquist Counseling Agency (ELCA): Easter Briefing, Church Organist

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Church People – The Lutherans of Lake Wobegon
Garrison Keillor
2 CD set
HighBridge Audio 2009

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