Comedy Central Record’s latest stand-up comedy MP3 album release is “You Stink” by comic Jesse Popp. Popp is a staff writer on Conan and a fairly solid comic.
I listened to this album twice before starting this review, and still struggled a bit with what to write. That is not to say that the album is not good. It is. But, there’s just no bit that really screams out and yells “mention me.”
The entire set is “even” — even pacing, even delivery, even laughs … just, even. No real low points, but no particularly high points either.
The Comedy Central press release for this album states that this hour of material was written by Popp over the course of a decade. It shows. The material is tight, and delivered with precision. Despite my criticism, you can tell this material has been honed over the years.
Comedy Central CD and DVD Reviews Page:
After opening with a short bit about New York, Popp moves into a long-form bit about work and interviewing for a job. He states he was thrown when the interviewer asks “what’s your working style?” He responds “I come in on time … and do all the work and stuff.” He then ponders how he was supposed to answer that question. It reminds him of Michelangelo who famously stated that he created David by chipping away all the marble that didn’t look like David. He then imagines himself responding that he has a similar working style — except, instead of marble, he works in human resources information systems.
He also has a bit wishing he could be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, but notes that some of the entries are very bizarre, such as the winner for “most unusual diet” — a guy that eats airplane parts. He then discusses how such a person could be an interesting terrorist.
You Stink by Jesse Popp is an above-average album that you will enjoy, but perhaps not one that you will immediately rush out to recommend to everyone you know.
You Stink
Jesse Popp
Stand-up Comedy Mp3 Album
Comedy Central 2012
Brett Watson
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