Keith Lowell Jensen, or, the Atheist Comedian, as he’s commonly referred to, examines subjects both secular and non-secular in his new stand-up comedy album Cats Made of Rabbits.
Considering his nickname in the stand-up community and to the delight of theist listeners, a surprising amount of his material does not delve into religious topics at all. Unfortunately for any listener, this stand-up comedy mp3 album and CD disappoints in both areas.
After a slow first two tracks, Jensen already has to resort to asking the audience to follow the example of the lone female viewer and laugh. This sort of thing becomes a trend in the album, not the comic begging for laughs, but individual, recognizable audience members laughing. Their reaction sums up everything you need to know about Cats Made of Rabbits, Jensen just doesn’t have much A-material.
The few times when the comedian starts to stumble upon a funny bit, it abruptly ends, as if he’s teasing the listener into thinking more laughs may be on the way. The rest of the time Jensen just sounds like a slightly more profane cruise-ship comedian; good for a few funny lines, but nothing memorable enough to write home about.
Jensen can’t even generate big laughs for what can only be assumed to be his specialty, atheist humor, which dominates the second half of the album. He fails to really delve deep into any religious subject. Instead, he just makes mindless jokes about variety of animal genitalia and opening the door naked to door-to-door converters.
While there are a few amusing lines, most of this stand-up comedy CD and MP3 album is lacking, because Keith Lowell Jensen just didn’t develop his material enough for a full-length album.
Cats Made Of Rabbits
Keith Lowell Jensen
Stand-up Comedy CD and MP3
MVD Audio 2011
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