WOW! Was my reaction after listening to Kristin Key’s stand-up comedy download album. I’m a Hooker.

The second listening was even more enthusiastic. I’ve played this recording a few times more and cannot but keep thinking Key is the best comic I’ve heard this year. This is bound to make our 10 10 comedy for 2018 if I get around to it.

In the early days (reviews here below) Kristin Key did standard stand-up with a couple of funny songs at the end. She has since come out of the closet and now has her guitar as back-up at all times like 60’s beat poets used to do. With anybody else it would be an affectation but Key makes it work to a T.

The title of this comedy album I’m a Hooker refers to her crochet hobby and the opening track of the night. That bit has one of the funniest punchlines of all time having to do with knitters (think about it….). She complains about being mistaken for Ellen DeGeneres but is even more offended to be seen as a young Hillary Clinton. She then has fun with the stereotypes associated with gay women for a while.

There is also a fun story about the disadvantages of living in a two-women household: nobody to kill the spiders is one.

This comedy album features a great country western about a couple finding love at the reptile store. It is just a hoot.

Key tells the story how she came out, went back in and then came out again. The story is funny and sets up another fun tune: Slut For Jesus

There is a definite bite in Kristin Key’s material when she talks about her conservative family.

She and I share the same sensitivities about children: oozing things who want to wipe themselves on you.

The album ends on a longer bit about performing for the troops, working in dry countries, and possible hiding places women can use. It gets raunchy but Key pulls it off.

My one qualm about Kristin Key I’m a Hooker is how she reacts to the lukewarm reaction she gets after telling the audience she’s been married to her wife for three years. I think the lukewarm reaction is because it is not that big a deal anymore.

I’m A Hooker
Kristin Key
Comedy download and CD
Uproar! 2017

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    Very good second comedy CD with great bit about being stoned and the munchies
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