Built For Destruction is the third stand-up comedy CD by Bobby Slayton, the pit-bull of comedy.

Slayton was the perennial host of the Nasty Show at Just For Laughs. No wonder. This edgy stand-up comic pushes the envelope of good taste while constantly interacting with his audience. His ability to pull back just in time and switch tack to a set piece before bringing his audience back to where he wants it is nonpareil. Built For Destruction will please the many Bobby Slayton fans and is an almost absolutely solid comedy CD.

Bobby Slayton takes on Blacks, homos, married guys, women, and anybody non-white in the audience. This may not be the most original form of stand-up comedy but Slayton is very good at it and usually original. His ability to read his audience, comment on its reaction and go to relatively safer material before slowly going back to his bread and butter is nonpareil. The plus side of this kind of material is it is always fun to see a comic work without the usual net of really set material. I also liked the fact Slayton bought drinks for the couple of tables he was using as his safe ground.

The best track on Built For Destruction is The F Word. This is a routine that gives George Carlin a run for his money when it comes to comedy about language. It is also a bit that makes this fan wish Bobby Slayton would do more of this observational and seemingly autobiographical material.

Other good moments are the effect of asparagus on the taste of things and an excuse for Slayton to mention the fact his wife will not perform oral sex on him (something he mentions a few times).

Almost absolutely solid stand-up comedy CD? Because the twelve minute porno bit is a bit long and there’s only so much funny in this topic. The racial profiling bit is also standard fare.

If you like edgy, blue stand-up that makes fun of just about every group under the rainbow, you are going to like this one.

Built For Destruction by Bobby Slayton was recorded at the Washington D.C. Improv by Joel Haas. This is worth mentioning because Haas clearly understands how important sound quality is on a comedy CD.

Bobby Slayton
Built For Destruction
Stand-up comedy CD
Produced and recorded by Joel Haas
Independent Stand-up Comedy Release

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