The Vowel Diet is the third Dan Gabriel stand-up comedy album I have had the pleasure to listen to.
Gabriel is out to entertain his audience and he is very good at it. This means there is nothing political or controversial on this MP3 album. Gabriel does have an eye for some pretty accurate social commentary when he feels like it such as when he discusses the disappearance of some old fashioned common names.
The biggest difference between early albums and this one is Gabriel has gotten married and works a little blue.
On this pretty solid album, the bits on the History Channel and Food Shows are the ones I enjoyed best. I was a little miffed by how Gabriel easily accepted people talking during his set, choosing to interact with them instead of shutting them down. Then again, I am in a foul mood these days so it is probably wishful thinking on my part since he is not that kind of comic.
If you are looking for some fun stand-up that bears repeated listenings but does not challenge your views of the world, The Vowel Diet by Dan Gabriel is pretty consistent.
The Vowel Diet
Dan Gabriel
Comedy download album
Independent 2017
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