David Huntsberger Big Nothingness is a stand-up comedy masterpiece.

Available in audio or video format, this comedy download is the most intelligent and intellectually challenging stand-up comedy show I have ever heard or seen. If you must choose, go for the video format for the very varied animation enhances and adds to the concept.

In Big Nothingness David Huntsberger answers the questions of lives, the universes, and everything. The show opens with a bit on our plans on going to Mars which segues elegantly back to earth, returns to the universe, and back to earth again with the origin theory of scientist Francis Crick (this has to do with capsules of bacteria and DNA as our origin)

Crick and DNA percentages set up speculations on other forms of life and other universes which smoothly lead back to an interesting theory on the origin of life and incarnations and reincarnations. The latter include a nod to the famous tunnel of bright light.

David Huntsberger Big Nothingness is brilliantly written. I am impressed by how subtly and elegantly the comic goes from concepts of life to death and Death. Of course, no discourse on death and the afterlife is complete without one on what Hells might be like or one on levels of evil.

Though Huntsberger smoothly glides into it, I am a little less convinced by the bit on a genderless society and evangelists. These two segments don’t quite work for me.

One really must listen and/or watch this brilliant comedy download a few times to fully get how smart and complex David Huntsberger Big Nothingness really is.

To answer a question Huntsberger asks, the greatest woman serial killer is, no contest, the Countess Bathory

Big Nothingness
David Huntsberger
Stand-up comedy download or video
800 Pound Gorilla Records 2021

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