Stay-Kashian by comic Jackie Kashian (cool title btw) is a stand-up comedy download that is a joy to listen to again and again. Kashian is a mostly biographical comic. Unlike most such stand-ups, she has something interesting to say and a fun, sometimes clever, and always entertaning way to say it.

What a veteran comedy fan quickly notices about Jackie Kashian is how smart a comic she is. For example, her very short bit about defunding the police is a superb class in using metaphors for comic effect.

Kashian also has a mildly self-deprecating, down to earth humor that makes her immediately likeable.

The heart of this stand-up comedy download is the long-form routine about her 84 year-old salesman father. Her story about his tricks to pick up women and his way to reduce hospital bills to pennies, amongst other things, is simply a hoot.

Stak-Kashian by Jackie Kashian closes strong with a solid bit about using the correct pronoun, sexual equality, and sexual identity. Many such bits become more didactic and agenda heavy but Kashian makes it simply fun and funny to listen to.

I cannot recommend this stand-up comedy download strongly enough.

Jackie Kashian
Stand-up comedy download or video
800 Pound Gorilla Records 2021

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