With much fewer labels making their releases available to us (I do not stream) there will not be a top 10 stand-up comedy download list this year. Instead, here are the best comedy downloads I have come across in 2021. They are not in order aside from #1
David Huntsberger Big Nothingness on 800 Pound Gorilla Records is simply a masterpiece of stand-up comedy. Review here
Tig Notaro – Drawn. A brilliant combination of stand-up comedy and animation. A must see. Review here
Dwight York – Belongs in a Bar. Stand-Up! Records A superb set of one-liners and short jokes. There’s nothing quite like this comedy download. Review here
Clare Belford – The Entire Cabbage. Comedy Records “A fun and original experience that bears repeated listenings” is what we said of this Canadian comic on this Canadian comedy label. Review here
Airports, Animals – Sean Devlin. Arts and Crafts Productions. Almost a single long-form story. Not a single word is wasted in this stand-up comedy show. Review Here
Cliff Cash – Halfway There. Stand Up! Records It’s like two different comics and comedy albums in one package. A keeper for sure. Review here.
Stay-Kashian – Jackie Kashian 800 Pound Gorilla Records: A joy to listen to again and again. Review here
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- 53Stay-Kashian by comic Jackie Kashian (cool title btw) is a stand-up comedy download that is a joy to listen to again and again. Kashian is a mostly biographical comic. Unlike most such stand-ups, she has something interesting to say and a fun, sometimes clever, and always entertaning way to say…
- 53David Huntsberger Big Nothingness is a stand-up comedy masterpiece. Available in audio or video format, this comedy download is the most intelligent and intellectually challenging stand-up comedy show I have ever heard or seen. If you must choose, go for the video format for the very varied animation enhances and…
- 51Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant. The last 22 minutes are the best I have heard in a long while.