There are a couple of tracks on Justin Matson‘s stand-up comedy download Fatter Than You Think that are rated explicit. I don’t get it. This is a funny, audience friendly performance by a very personable stand-up comic. Anyone who listens to Fatter Than You Think will enjoy it.

True, the comedy on this release is heavy on fat jokes and gay material, This is something I occasionally find more distracting than anything else. On Fatter Than You Think Matson blends in enough other biographical material that the two pillars of his show do not overwhelm the performance.

From the onset, Justin Matson tells the audience he was kicked off three rollercoasters for being too fat. These three stories are the framework for the rest of the material. His story about failing an interview for a Japanese airline is very funny and instructive.

Other solid moments on this comedy download album include the Parable of the Two Dead Squirrels and I Climbed the Wrong Mountain.

I was much less impressed by Slam Poetry but I never liked that stuff.

Fatter Than You Think by Justin Matson is a solid comedy download. I am still looking for the explicit material.

Fatter Than You Think
Justin Matson
Stand-up Comedy Download
Independent Release 2019

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