Shane Mauss’ My Big Break is worth every penny of your stand-up comedy dollar. There’s not a bad moment on this download and those who enjoy smart comedy that makes you think a bit will appreciate it even more.

My Big Break opens with the story of Mauss breaking both his heels doing “dumb white people shit”. It makes for a fun story and a nice set up for the more thoughtful material that follows.

Track three is about a theory called the negativity bias where humans are programmed to dwell on negative experiences so as to learn from them. Mauss really excels at both explaining this theory, making you think, and making you laugh at human foibles. This segues very nicely into other psychological traits from the hunter gatherer age and how we have built an environment we are not genetically equipped for.

A little bit of biographical material sets up a solid segment against positive thinking and other rah-rah ideas and a clever instance of audience manipulation. Mauss then callsback to the negativity bias theory to discuss how we tend to focus on extremes and forget more normal but inportant information.

Shane Mauss My Big Break bookends with material related to the big break and a fun bit on psychic powers.

This is an album you will listen to more frequently than not and always enjoy. It is on the Comedy Dynamics label

My Big Break
Shane Mauss
Comedy MP3 album
Comedy Dynamics 2015

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