Tammy Pescatelli gives a solid performance on her stand-up comedy album Finding the Funny.
Her Italian-American background shows in a few of the routines on this comedy MP3 album. Her material is mostly stories about herself, her relatives, her husband, and so on, commentary on the media (Nancy Grace, Larry King), or observations about relationships.
The bits are quite short and Pescatelli’s conversational style makes it flow seamlessly. Her segue that you can find the funny in anything is quite clever. Also really really funny is the Middle-aged Ninja Turtles. The callback in the gator joke is brilliant.
One of the best moments here is Tammy Pescatelli’s explanation for the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey.
There’s nothing new under the sun here but it is really funny.
Finding the Funny
Tammy Pescatelli
Comedy MP3 album
New Wave Dynamics 2014
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