For those unfamiliar with the show, Comedy Central’s Tosh.0 has comic Daniel Tosh play and comment on various internet video clips. The thing is most of clips are not your usual funny videos featured on news websites and so on but a little more risque and / or weird. Episodes also have one of the videos’ performers as guests so Daniel Tosh can have a bit of fun with them. Tosh.0 deep Vs aka s Volume 2 Blu-ray has 16 episodes on 2 discs and a few bonus features. The shows were aired seasons 2 and 3.
There is so much going on in a Tosh.0 show it is hard to keep track of everything. Deep Vs has an episode with Samwell, the singer of What what in the butt, featuring a remix with Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age, drummer Tommy Lee drumming on 4 sets of boobs including Daniel Tosh,
Lesser celebs include Amazon Amanda, a 6’4 300 some pounds woman who enjoys sitting on smaller men who enjoy being sat on.
The episodes and videos are quite funny and Daniel Tosh knows when to move on to the next clip. Some of the jokes, like “Toyotas, those things never stop” are already a bit dated but for now it happens only once a show so what the hell.
Special features on Tosh.0 Deep V’s are extended clips from various episodes.
Tosh.0 Volume 2
Daniel Tosh
16 episodes 2 Blu-ray discs
Comedy Central 2012
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