Confessions of a Married Mine
Stand-up comedy CD
Independent Release

I love funny CDs. I own 350 plus comedy CDs. Andrew Grose is the first comic whose independently released CDI have ever bought and I most certainly do not regret it. Andrew Grose tells funny stories and tells funny jokes. Confessions of a Married Mind may be an independent release but the sound quality is there (unlike some major label comedy CDs I have come across recently) and, most important, the funny material is there. Andrew Grose, a Canadian, is from Alberta but do not hold either of these two things against him: he is a normal but funny guy who, like most of us, if baffled by life and the opposite sex.

Confessions of a Married Mind consists of various clips from various appearances Andrew Grose made over the past couple of years or so at Just For Laughs, the Comedy Network, Mike Bullard, and so on. Like many married male comics, Andrew Grose is having a hard time understanding his wife and yet is amazed at her shopping skills (track 2 of this CD Bed in a Bag is a very, very funny story about how his wife can buy a bed in a bag (if you are a guy, trust me, it’s something women buy, ‘nuff said) mix and match it (only women understand this reference) and then ask for a discount). The rest of this funny comedy cd is basically more of the same: funny stories Andrew Grose tells about being married and about himself, a clueless male, his much too good for him wife, and his kids. Of course, there are stories about mothers in law, McDonalds, the differences between men and women (Track 3 Ice Fishing is a totally new take on that age-old topic) and miscommunication.

Please do not let the fact this is an independent release CD put you off from getting it. Andrew Grose is a very funny comic who tells very funny stories. This is not some stuff slapped together in a basement by some guy who thinks he is funny but a real, genuine comedy CD by a real, genuine funny comic.

By the way, part of the proceeds from this comedy CD goes to cancer research. Which is nice and laudable and so on but what is really important is that this is a funny CD and it is worth the price.


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