This Is Cool, Right?, is one hell of a funny comedy album.
Brooks Wheelan is a different and voice in the current glut of stand-up. This mostly biographical comic definitely has a different story to tell and his style is all his own. To wit, the bit about his dad smashing a possum with a sledgehammer as seen through his seven year old eyes.
Wheelan’s story is one of not quite fitting in and getting into rather awkward situations as a result from a memorable encounter with mouthwash to a tell-tale Furby. This comic also has the talent to make frat prank material like “Butter Prank Stuff” interesting for the entire audience.
One track you absolutely have to hear is Internet and Brothers stuff about how the internet came to Iowa one fine day and how the Whelans reacted to it. Of course, you might have to explain to some people that the internet has not always been around and what Oregon Trail was and how it used to be state of the art gaming.
There is also an honesty to the material that makes it that much funnier because although you can’t necessarily relate to the story, you can relate to the emotions that come with it.
One thing that somewhat bothered me is the two or three badly placed F-bombs. They are not Wheelan’s natural patter and they feel either forced or just nervous accidents.
Brooks Wheelan This Is Cool, Right? is a keeper. It is from Comedy Dynamics
This Is Cool, Right?
Brooks Wheelan
Comedy Vinyl or MP3
Comedy Dynamics 2015
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