Geoff Tate titled his first stand-up comedy download or CD I Got Potential. He’s got much more than that.

Tate is one very funny comic and this is an excellent album that bears repeated listening, something I have been doing for the last couple of weeks. Tate does biographical and some observational material but stands out from most similar comics because of how carefully his stories are built.

For example, “Vehicular” a story about drugs, Wal Mart, a pirate, and being hit by a car twice in the same week has a hell of a callback involving mouse water.

I Got Potential opens with a couple of stories sort of related to being the son of a minister and a more social piece on gay marriage and marriage in general. Tate makes an interesting point with the simile to being a Cubs fan. He also throws in a bit of advice on how to bury the body.

Another good story involves a woman on Oprah who fought a bear in her house. Also good is “Rental” about a very odd accident. It too has an excellent callback to an earlier bit.

There is not a single bad moment on this stand-up comedy mp3 album. In fact, I would not be surprised if Geoff Tate I Got Potential made our top 10 comedy CD list for 2013.

There are more excellent Stand Up! Records CDs here

I Got Potential
Geoff Tate
Stand-up Comedy download and CD
Stand Up! Records 2013


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